Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1 week

It has been just over a week and Jayden is getting so big. We have loved every minute of it. There definetly has been hard times and long nights. I think mostly because we aren't used to it and we are all trying to find a routine, but we love it. He is truly adorable. My boys are loving him. Today they took turns holding him and fighting over whos turn it is to feed him, throw his diaper away or get things for him. It's been fun.

Happy Birthday!

Well the day finally came. I was induced on May 17th. After a few struggles and a very long day we were blessed to have little Jayden come into our lives. We had such an amazing team help him come and we are truly greatful for them and their skills. Jayden was 8 lbs. 4 oz. and 21 1/4 inches long, making him my biggest and shortest. Don't let the scale fool ya, he is long and skinny for sure. We love him so much and Colton and William have taken him right in. They love to talk and sing to him. Colton sings songs that Big Pa taught him and Jayden loves to hear them. William enjoys talking and holding Jayden. He definetly has Pieper in him. He is a joy and I can't explain how wonderful he has been in our family. It has brought a new level of love and happiness into our home. I'm greatful that he made it here safe and healthy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

A sure sign spring has come is baseball...well in our case T-Ball. My little Colton is now 4 and loves to play. He cries every time someone else gets the ball, but he is getting better and better. Although the first couple of games were so windy and cold you wouldn't have thought it was spring...but then again we do live in Hatch and it snowed a couple days later. In fact it snowed about 3 times that week. We are loving that the weather is nicer, the boys are getting bigger and the little baby is getting closer to joining our little family. What blessings we truly do have. William really wishes he could play but he will have to wait 2 years before he can play. Little boys sure are fun!!!