Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 12

Well it's been crazy to say the least. I keep hoping things will slow down but they never do. Well this week we took a family day to Cedar we played at the park and watched Dispicable Me. It was cute. The boys loved it. Then we treated ourselves to IHOP. Yes we got minion food. It was great. It is so much fun having our little family. To watch my boys grow is such a blessing. They get big so fast. I can't believe that Colton is 4, William is 3 and little Jayden is 11 weeks. Time sure flies. I really couldn't have asked for more. Thank you boys!!!


Annie and Peter said...

Found your blog! So glad I can keep up on our cute family. Congrats on having another precious boy. 3 for me too!

Elexia Belle said...

oh what fun pics of the boys! i miss getting to see them all the time!! it was so good getting to see everything this last weekend thanks for staying another night we were sure sad when everyone left out house was wayyyy to quiet :( hope you guyes like your new van!!!